Blood type B in evolutionary evolution brings together different people and different cultures. They are viable and alert people who resist many of today's severe illnesses such as heart disease and cancer, but are at risk of disease-related diseases (multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome).


Characteristics of blood type B

• balanced

• a strong immune system

• resistant digestive tract

• Traveler, flexible, creative, adaptable

• responds well to stress through creative activity



Eating profile is close to blood type 0, but also has a good ability to consume dairy products. Prehistoric people with blood type B had to be sufficiently flexible and creative to survive in new geographical and climatic conditions confronting different new types of people. Body and spirit harmony is a characteristic feature of carriers of this blood type. Blood type B is endangered by food that leads to hypoglycaemia and fluid retention. Wheat gluten lectins (white flour, germ) reduce the intensity of metabolism and promote weight gain.



General recommendations:

To maximize your health and life potential:

• replace wheat with spelled or other suitable cereal

• Have protein food when feeling tired

• carry some healthy little things with you that will replenish your energy throughout the day

• pay close attention to hygiene and thorough heat treatment when cooking food

• Eat plenty of lean and cold water fish several times a week

• dairy products are beneficial to you, but they are overloading, so you should not exceed 4 servings a week



What to avoid? 

Avoid maize, wheat, sugar, and other sweeteners, chicken, tomatoes, peanuts as they slow down your metabolism, compromise immunity and can lead to insulin problems.


Food Overview:

Suitable foods for blood type B


Meat: goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit, roe deer, turkey, beef, buffalo, ostrich, pheasant, veal

Fish: sardines, monkfish, young pike, sea bass, cod, sole, spotted cod, flounder, mackerel, pike, wild salmon, sole, sturgeon, caviar, carp, catfish, herring, mullet, young, cod, shark , squid, swordfish, tuna, scallop

Eggs: 3-5 pieces per week, chicken eggs

Dairy products: farm cheese, goat cheese, mozzarella, virgin, ricotta, cottage cheese, feta, milk, yogurt, kefir, goat's milk, Brie, butter, buttermilk, camembert, cheddar, edam, cream cheese, emmental, ghee, gouda, gruyére, munster, parmesan, provolone, sour cream, Swiss cheese, whey

Legumes: beans, navy beans, monthly beans, copper beans, fava beans, green beans, red beans, white beans, soybeans

Nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds, steam, chestnuts, flax, lychee seeds, macadamia nuts, pecans

Cereals: Wheat, Rice, Rice Bran, Oat, Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Spelled, Barley, Barley Malt, Quinoa, Soy Flour, Spelled Flour, Semolina Flour Products, Wholemeal Wheat Flour

Vegetables: beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, ginger, tusk, shiitake, mustard leaves, parsnip, sweet potatoes, Chinese cabbage, white and red kale, cauliflower, eggplant, calyx peppers, agar, asparagus, bamboo shoots, capers, carrot juice, celery juice, chicory, chili peppers, cucumber, daikon, dandelion, fennel, garlic, horseradish, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, oysters, hibiscus, all kinds of onions, green peas, peas, potatoes, flower, sour cabbage, winter pumpkin, summer pumpkin, spinach, chard, watermelon, water chestnut, cress, yucca, courgette

Fruits: pineapple, plums, melon, banana, grapes, papaya, apple, cider, apricot, asian pear, blackberry, cantaloupe melon, cherries, currants, dates, baza, figs, grapefruit, guava, grosch, kiwi, kumquat, lemon , lime, mango, mulberry, mace, nectarine, orange, peach, pear, prunes, doula, raspberry, raisin, strawberry, sago, carob

Oils: olive, almond, evening primrose, linseed, walnut, wheat germ, fish oil

Herbs, Spices, Ingredients: Curry, Molasses, Parsley, Licorice Root, Anise, Basil, Bay Leaves, Bergamot, Cumin, Cardamom, Chili, Chives, Clove, Coriander, Roman Cumin, Dill, Nutmeg, Nutmeg, Marjoram mint, mustard, oregano, pepper, peppermint, rosemary, saffron, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme, turmeric, sea salt, tamari, tamarind, vanilla, vinegar, sugar, apple pectin, chocolate, fructose, honey, maple syrup, rice syrup

Drinks: green tea, beer, coffee, black tea, red wine, white wine



Unsuitable food for blood type B


Meat: chicken, chicken, duck, quail, goose, grouse, pigeon, turtle, pork, ham, bacon, chicken heart, chicken, duck, quail, goose, grouse, pigeon, turtle, ham, pork, bacon

Fish: anchovy, eel, pollack, barracuda, slug, shellfish, mussels, oysters, clams, shells, crab, shrimp, frog, lobster

Eggs: duck eggs, quail eggs, salmon roes

Dairy products: American cheese, blue mold cheese, ice cream

Soy products: all soy products (flakes, granules, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, miso)

Legumes: adzuki, chickpeas, all kinds of lentils, mung, peas

Nuts and seeds: cashew, sunflower, peanut, peanut butter, pine nuts, pistachio, poppy seed, pumpkin seeds, safrole seeds, sesame, tahini

Cereals: wheat, wheat germ, wheat bran, buckwheat, corn, kamut, rye, amaranth

Vegetables: aloe, olives, radish, rhubarb, tomatoes, artichoke, juniper

Fruits: pomegranate, coconut milk, prickly pear, carambola

Oils: borage, castor, corn, peanut, safrole, sesame, soy, sunflower, canola

Herbs, Spices, Ingredients: Almond Extract, Corn Syrup, Corn Starch, Ketchup, Pepper, New Spice, Barley Malt, Cinnamon, Guarana, Soy Sauce, Gelatin, Carrageenan, Dextrose, Maltodextrin

Drinks: spirits, mineral water, soda, sweetened bubble drinks


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